Friday, July 25, 2008

2 more days then I can retire again

Yes only two more days then I can retire Again.

The quilt shop will be closing the doors Saturday the 26th. The last 2 weeks have been non stop measuring and cutting fabric. Do I sound like I am complaining?
Sorry don't mean to complain, I am just tired, I am not use to working a 40 hour week, but it will soon be over.
I don't think I have ever had a part time job in my life that didn't turn into a full time job.
However the extra $ will be nice.

I have 2 trips planned, one in August and one in Sept.

I am going to Portland for 10 days to visit my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, in August.
I also hope to get some time to spend with a couple of my quilting buddies that live in the Columbia River Gorge.

Then in Sept. I am going to a class reunion in Priest River Idaho. It is not my reunion but my older brothers. I have only been back to Priest River once in 50 years, for a short visit, but I remember living there like it was yesterday.

I will fly to Spokane where my brother will pick me up, he will be coming from western Wa. Then he will be bringing me home on his way to Reno.
He has an extended trip planned.

After that I will be home for the winter.

Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

  1. It really sounds like you need a break. I don't know how peoiple work 40 hours non stop. You have done great. Enjoy your retirement (you might want to speak to hubby about his shoes though - they take the limelight LOL). Cherrie
